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A Case Study with The Journal News

Anatomy of a Viral Video

“Chartbeat showed us where our video’s traffic was coming from, even if it was from a website halfway around the world.” - Jill Mercadante, Multimedia Editor, The Journal News

    Use key audience metrics, like “play rate,” “audience engagement,” and “ad drop-off,” in the Chartbeat Publishing Video Dashboard to craft a globally viral video.


    After a Tumblr post was shared more than 100,000 times, The Journal News went to interview the post’s subjects. The staff made a short interview, which started catching on right away. But to sustain, and even amplify, the video’s traffic, The Journal News turned to Chartbeat. Monitoring traffic in the Chartbeat Publishing Video Dashboard, the staff optimized the title and description for SEO and placed it more prominently on their homepage.


    Gawker picked it up. The Huffington Post too. Next came Fox News, BuzzFeed, and CNN. With the visibility provided by Chartbeat, the staff knew where their hit video was being embedded and what other publishers were driving the most traffic.